Tuesday, September 22, 2009

music is my boyfriend, musiccccc is my girlfriend.

YO. I am addicted to listening to the same songs over and over and over again. Holy moly, I don't know how I live with it haha. You know what I love about songs? They totally bring back memories. I sometimes listen to a song that I haven't heard in a really long time and all that I can think about is who I was with/what I was doing the last time I listened to the song. It's SUPER intense. Well, I think so anyways. Um.. oh yes, the reason that I brought this up! It's cause last night Jarred and I picked another song to be "our song". Cheesy, but who cares? I like it. Our songs are I will follow you into the dark by Death Cab and I want to hold your hand by the Beatles. It's freakin' epic. Soooo, yeahh haha. Be jealous of me. :)

Hmm, this weekend I went to a party with some friends, and it was super crazy. Holli was DD and she drove a bunch of drunkies home (and I came with her because I'm a wonderful friend!). Anywho, these people were absolutely hammered. And or high. It was just ridiculous. These were the people who are CONSTANLY absolutely plastered, and yet they are the "cool kids". It makes me so mad! These kids had no idea which way was up.. they were going to a new party at 2 in the morning, and they obviously had no intention of going home anytime soon. People like that.. I don't see positive futures for them. The kids that skip school every single day, come to school high as a kite.. UGH! I just get so mad because they're messing up their futures and it seems as though they don't give a crap about it! Grr. It was just a very big eye-opener for me because I've never really seen people like that before.. I mean I have. But this just reinforced it for me I think.

ANYWAYS. Enough of that.

Today I had dinner at le boyfriends house.. haha that was fun times. I love his family. They're so similar to my family in some ways, but in other ways they are just completely different. I really like talking to them, just for a kind of.. different point of view I guess? Like today we had this big argument about chick flicks. Jarred and his Dad were totally against them, and all of us girls were totally for them. It was just so fun to get into a debate with them! It sounds to corny, but it's actually true haha.. I love being a part of his family, of being included in his day to day conversations. It's silly, but that's alright :)

Ack. I want to keep writing but I really need to go to bed. So I'll write again soon, don't worry!

PS. Things to write about soon :
  • overview of my 19 day canoe trip
  • night of the living dead! and other SU events
  • my mother and how she is NEVER home :(
  • stupid school dress code, and how it's freaking 30 degrees out these days!
  • and some other stuff that I can't think of now :)

Ta ta for now!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Naps are my new best friend

The last couple days I have been napping every day when I get home from school 'cause I'm just wiped out. It's weird. And I can't decide if I like it haha. But life goes on.

Anywho, big fight with le boyfriend last night. Woot woot. I'm so mean when I'm mad. But it's all good, 'cause we talked everything out and now we're all fine and dandy! So, no harm done. And I've heard that when people don't argue then their relationship is flawed! So clearly, ours is fine haha.

Ooh. So today was the first unit exam in Math 30 Pure. Freakin' scary mang. It's kinda hard, but that's okay because this is potentially the LAST TIME that I'll take a math course, ever! Oh wow, that is so so so exciting. I've gotta do good in this though haha or else I won't get into my school :( and that would be 100% tragic.

I'm totally rambling about crazy random things. It's fantastic. Hmm. Oh I know what I should talk about.

This weekend I'm going to my friend Amanda's place for a little gathering. It's going to be amazing. Except some of my friends are kind of starting to piss me off. I mean, really, you're going to ditch all your friends to go to a party where there are going to be a bunch of drunk people everywhere just so that you can hook up with girls? That's just ridiculous. It bugs me so much when people are like that. So they must smarten up or I'll be forced to beat them. :) ANYWAYS, other than those shennanigans it's gonna be all good. I'm stoked to chill with my peeps haha. It's gonna be good times.

Alright well I'm not in the mood to write any more. So I'm going to sign off. Oh, and I'll write about my Wilderness trip later. I just don't have the stamina for that much writing right now :P So later alligators!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I can't believe I forgot to write about this..

In August, I went on a 19 day canoe trip. What an experience. Anyways, I won't write about it now. This will just act as a reminder for myself to write about it the next time I'm on here. So, look forward, phantom readers!

Musings on a scintillating day.

Today I had to get up at 5:30 in the morning for a Student's Union event. Great. The best part is that when I get there, the teacher supervisor yells and shouts about how I have to get moving. Like, really? I'm pretty sure that i showed an immense amount of dedication by showing up on time even though i live 1\2 an hour out of time. UGH!

But, not going to let it bring me down. I am confident, competent, and successful. So hah.

My parents and family members have been telling me that I should start writing articles and submit them to my almost-auntie, who is the owner of a local magazine. It would be monumentally freakin' amazing to be published, but, I'm kinda scared to do it. I don't even know why, but I totally am. I think that I'm just going to try and bite the bullet though. If I write a couple of articles and give them to Kim then maybe she'll publish them. If not, it's no hair off my back. Skin off my back? I don't remember how it's supposed to go. BUT, you get the gist. :)

So, this weekend is Jarred and my (grammar? ah who knows.) ONE YEAR ANNI. Yeah, I know. I can't freakin' believe it either. The weirdest part about it is knowing that in another year, I will (HOPEFULLY!) be off at U of A, starting a completely different life. It's just so... odd, you know? I mean, how many people really stay with their high school boyfriend in university? I think it'd be so hard to start over like I want to if I was still with him. But at the same time, I have no intention of losing contact with my best friends.. So what's my deal? Maybe I'm just scared 'cause a year is such a long time. I really don't know.

HAH. I love looking at facebook pictures and seeing people looking like demon babies. It really brightens up my day, 'cause if you can put pictures like that on the internet, where anyone can see it, you've gotta be pretty damn confident in yourself. And confidence is amazing :)

Alright. Oh, I was going to end my entry there, but I just realized I forgot to talk about my drama class! Well. My drama class is crazy. It's full of... unusuals, lets put it that way. The people who shower only occasionally, put deoderant on even more rarely, and don't really understand social cues. It's great. I love being in a class with so many of them because, as horrible as it sounds... I don't care about impressing them. No matter what I do, they will not care, because they do things a trillion times weirder. I'm sure some people would hate the class, 'cause there are a lot of people who aren't "cool", but I absolutely love it. It does help that I love drama class :) but that's alright haha. OH, and I'm also making new friends in the class. And my bestttters Holli is in it, so it's fantastic. Anyways, to sum up : drama class owns.

OKAY. I think that's enough writing now :) So, peace outt! I will write again soon.

PS. Did you notice that I didn't take a whole month to write again?! Yay, progress.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I am brutal at this blog thing..

When I started this blog, I was totally comitted, and I was going to write every day, or at least a couple times a week. Hah. So much for that, only 4 posts in, what... 5 months? Maybe more? But, that's alright.
I will do better this year!
Sooo much has happened since I last wrote here. First of all, I'm not even friends with a bunch of the people that I was ranting about in my last post. Funny how summer does that.
Honestly though, I don't een want to think about all that drama of the past. It's done with, and I'm so over dealing with it! Instead I'm going to concentrate on keeping my current friendships going, getting fantastic grades so that I can get into U of A and just being happy. I think that's what really needs to happen this year.

Oh! I also really want to work on my writing. And what better way to work on writing than to actually write? I think this blog will help this goal out rather nicely.
So, I'm just going to write my feelings down here, and possibly to-do lists and whatever else I feel like writing. I think it'll be quite fantastic.
Today I finished reading The Time Travellers Wife. Good god. I had no idea how sad it would be at the end. I absolutely loved the book, but jesus! I haven't cried that much beacuse of a book in AGES. Anyways, I would reccommend the book, it's so good. I would really like to see the movie now, but I think it'd be rather sad. Well, obviously, since the book is. But I just think that when you see real live people living horrible things out like that, it seems much worse than when you're reading it in a book. Maybe I'm just crazy.

So next Saturday my boyfriend and I will have been dating for a year. A WHOLE YEAR. I can't even believe it. It's so surreal, I can't even get it through my head. But yeah, it's pretty intense, I think. For high school anyway haha. I suppose out in the real world, a year is pretty much nothing.

Speaking of the real world... I am so unbelievably psyched to get out of silly little Innisfail and go live my life! I was stressing out all summer, thinking that my grades wouldn't be good enough to get into U of A, but I'm feeling a lot better about it now. Even with my crap grades last year, I still managed to get Honors and I also got the English 20 award. SO, that's good stuff! Especially since I want to get into an english program. Anywho, it's just quite a relief that last year didn't totally mess up my school stuff, cause I totally thought it had. I am just SO excited to go to U of A, and I totally don't want to have to go to RDC for a year first... it just seems like such a waste of time and money, especially considering that I wouldn't even be able to transfer any of the credits I got.

But, yeah. I'm just in a good place with life right now :) hopefully it stays that way for a while. I think I'm done for now, but I WILL remember to update again very soon. Don't worry.