this is a friend of mine and i after our final high school exam lest thursday. her name is dakota and she's kinda the bomb.
next year she's going to be moving to edmonton to go to concordia (which is a christian college/university type deal). it's pretty exciting because that means that i'm not going to be totally alone in edmonton. and it's actually perfect, because i am absolutely opposed to being one of those people who don't make any new friends because they are too attatched to their old ones and are never away from them. but at the same time, it'll be nice to have someone to talk to who already knows me - and she's a good friend, so it'll just be lovely to have her around.
anyways, the other night we went to see letters from juliet. and i really enjoyed it; it was quite touching and it was all about true love, awww. however, i really didn't enjoy some of the lines. they were all cheesey and ridiculous! at one point he said something like ' i am truly, madly and deeply in love with you'. is that not the most ridiculous thing that you've ever heard?! honestly, if someone said that to me i would probably be flattered, but i would also be a little frightened. (just kidding, i just don't think it would be very legit!) so anyways, thinking this brought me to a conclusion.
no longer do i believe that some pretty words and a nice kiss is real love.
that's not to say that i don't believe in love, or that i don't enjoy hearing those lovely words! i just think that love should be felt. i am a big fan of the little things - i think small snippets of time in which no declarations of love are made but instead two people genuinely enjoy each others company are the moments that should be cherished, and are the real declarations of true love.
i am absolutely a romantic at heart. i am so infatuated with the idea of being in love. i am kinda vain (which comes with being a romantic in my opinion). i get so lost inside my imagination sometimes that i don't realize what is going on; this can be a real downside to being a dreamer and a romantic becacuse sometimes i think that while i'm sitting alone thinking of what i want to happen, i'm missing out on moments that i would never dream of. i feel very intensely. i listen to my heart a lot of the time.
all these things could be taken as either negatives or positives, i'm not sure which. it really depends on the day.
the real reason that i'm bringing all of this up is because i feel as though i'm finally coming into my own skin. there are so many things that i don't have figured out yet, but i'm also discovering so many things about myself every day. i've become extremely introspective - nah, i've probably always been that way. regardless; i'm changing, a lot. but i'm also staying that same. and it's so absolutely wonderful to be able to look at yourself and not feel lost, but rather feel as though you know who that person staring back at you is.
life is beautiful, and i want to cherish every moment.